Short Description: The user memory space extends from 0×0000 to 0×1FFF (8K), of which 1K (0×0000 - 0×03FF) is physically implemented. In actual implementation the on-chip user program memory is accessed by the lower 10-bits of the PC, with the upper 3-bits of the PC ignored. Therefore if the PC is greater than 0×3FF, it will wrap around and address a location within the physically implemented memory. (See Figure 2-1).
Content Inside: In programming mode the program memory space extends from 0×0000 to 0×3FFF, with the first half (0×0000-0×1FFF) being user program memory and the second half (0×2000-0×3FFF) being configuration memory. The PC will increment from 0×0000 to 0×1FFF and wrap to 0×000 or 0×2000 to 0×3FFF and wrap around to 0×2000 (not to 0×0000). Once in configuration memory, the highest bit of the PC stays a ‘1’, thus always pointing to the configuration memory. The only way to point to user program memory is to reset the part and reenter program/verify mode as described in Section 2.3.
In the configuration memory space, 0×2000-0×200F are physically implemented. However, only locations 0×2000 through 0×2007 are available. Other locations are reserved. Locations beyond 0×200F will physically access user memory. (See Figure 2-1).
PIC16F8X EEPROM Memory Programming Specification
Source: users.telenet.be
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